Below you find a list of cases which have been presented and discussed during the ESTP/GTP Annual Meeting 2002 in Giessen. Click on each case to obtain a page with descriptions, images and with the abstract of this case.
- Case No 1
Spontaneous malignant glioma (glioblastoma multiforme) in a rat
- Case No 2
Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphosarcoma in a dog with central nervous system metastasis
- Case No 3
Epidermotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) in Sprague-Dawley rats
- Case No 4
Feline vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma
- Case No 5
EndothelinA receptor antagonist (ETA)-induced tubular dilatation in the rat testis
- Case No 6
Segmental (focal) tubular atrophy in rat testes (induced lesion)
- Case No 7
Granulomatous inflammation in the efferent ducts associated with diffuse tubular (testicular) atrophy in rats (induced lesion)
- Case No 8
True hermaphroditism in a Sprague-Dawley rat
- Case No 9
Protozoonosis in zebra fish myxozoa (microsporidium) induced myonecrosis and granulomatous myositis
- Case No 10
Effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) on thyroid glands in rats
- Case No 11
Tumours of the pituitary pars intermedia with associated bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia in aging male rats: a distinct clinico-pathologic entity resembling
Cushing's disease
- Case No 12
Ito cell tumour in the liver of a B6C3F1 mouse
- Case No 13
Spontaneous colitis in multiple drug resistance-deficient (mdr1a-/-) mice
- Case No 14
Barrett's metaplasia in the oesophagus of a beagle dog?
- Case No 15
Degeneration of parietal cells in the stomach of beagle dogs
- Case No 16a, Case No 16b, Case No 16c
Septicaemic kidney alterations after intermittent intravenous infusion using a port-catheter system in a cynomolgus monkey toxicity study
- Case No 17
Herpes virus-induced intranuclear inclusion bodies: differential diagnosis herpes B virus infection
Further notes
- All cases have one or more images: please click on the thumbnail(s) to see a larger version.
- For some of the literature references links to the Medline abstracts are available: please click on the