5th ESTP International Expert Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, September 23 – 24, 2016 |
Adversity of Lysosomal Accumulation |
Dear Colleagues,
The goal of this new (5th ESTP International Expert) workshop is to provide criteria for pathologists to assess adversity of histopathologic findings associated with accumulation in lysosomes.
Based on practical examples contributed by workshop members, it will be the goal of this workshop to:
- understand the mode of action and functional consequences of lysosomal accumulation,
- to categorize (if possible) test item types according to their properties to induce lysosomal accumulation,
- to establish criteria and to identify methods to support assessment of adversity of lysosomal accumulation.
After a series of preparatory teleconferences amongst experts, the face-to-face expert discussion will take place right after this year's ESTP congress, at the Avenida Palace Hotel, Barcelona (Spain), starting with a sandwich lunch on September 23, 2016, and lasting until September 24, 6.00 pm.
In addition to more than 20 invited experts (workshop members), including pathologists and toxicologists from international regulatory agencies, a limited audience (maximum: 50 persons) will be accepted to this discussion, which will comprise question & answer sessions. The list of workshop members and detailed preliminary program are now available.
Online registration for interested toxicologic pathologists has been extended until September 3rd, 2016. Due to the limited places available, registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The registration fee includes lunch and coffee breaks on both days and will be 125.00 € in case of bank transfer or 130.00 € if paid by credit card. The higher fee for credit card payment is justified by the additional costs the Society has to pay for this service.
After your registration, please arrange immediate payment either to the ESTP Bank Account Commerzbank Lörrach, Germany, IBAN DE66 6834 0058 0280 9705 00 – BIC COBADEFF683 (USt-IdNr. DE 114 103 514), or using the attached credit card authorization form, but in either case making sure that your name and the code word "Lysosomes" is clearly stated.
If you have any questions with respect to payment, please contact the ESTP Treasurer (matthias.rinke@bayer.com).
Hotel reservation should be done on an individual basis, as suggested in the documentation for registration to the ESTP congress.
For any organizational questions or requests, please contact one of the workshop organizers (below).
We are looking forward to another successful ESTP International Expert Workshop!
Best regards,
Wolfgang Kaufmann wolfgang.kaufmann@merckgroup.com
Barbara Lenz (scientific lead) barbara.lenz@roche.com
Xavier Palazzi xavier.palazzi@sanofi.com
Gabriele Pohlmeyer-Esch gpe@kaleidis-consultancy.com