Request for a new INHAND term or modification to existing terms
Pathologists who discover a lesion in a toxicity study that is not covered by the INHAND nomenclature (www.goreni.org) are encouraged to request a new INHAND term. In addition, changes, additions, and updates to current terms may be desirable and may be requested as well.
For a most efficient process it is mandatory that the submitting pathologist provides a precise description of the lesion in question. This description should meet the INHAND format and should consider the general INHAND principles (Mann PC et al. 2012 [doi:10.1177/0192623312438738]). A bullet point style is recommended. A respective template is provided below which should be completed thoroughly. The request will be reviewed by the INHAND Global Editorial and Steering Committee (GESC) and the respective Organ Working Group (OWG). GESC and OWG will decide on the request in a timely manner. If there is a delay, the submitter will be informed and be kept appraised of progress on the request. The GESC will accept without modification, accept with suggestion of modification, or reject. Once accepted, the new term will be added to the INHAND nomenclature. This new term will also be communicated to SEND by periodic update and in this way will be added to the recommended SEND-nomenclature. It will, therefore, facilitate later submission processes to FDA.
Please choose the appropriate category for change requested:
Forms for these types of requests can be found above and on Society web sites.
Completed forms should be emailed to Rupert Kellner, rupert.kellner@item.fraunhofer.de
INHAND Change Control Updates
Diagnostic criteria and differential diagnoses are provided in www.goRENI.org. Please use the links above to directly access the descriptions.